Mina Schuler
Savana Asche
“you can do all things through christ who strengthens you -philippians 4:13”
My Story:
I am Savana Asche, and I am determined. Since a going age I had always been told “You can’t do that”, “Shes not going to make it” and “She won’t make it far”. These are the things that have made me to who I am today. It doesn’t matter what these people were talking about, all that matter was that I would be able to prove them wrong. It started out with sports. I became a gymnast and I slowly became one of the best at my age level. I would consistently bring home 1st place trophies, and State Champion medals. Then I would become a track runner and then eventually become one of the top runners at my school. And finally, cheerleading. I was told by someone who inspired me as a kid that I wouldn’t make it, and that I wasn’t good enough. This made me work the hardest I have ever worked. I put in countless hours at the gym, and when I would come home I would train on my own trampoline again. And now I can proudly say that I was on CPHS Varsity Cheer from freshman to junior year, and a Senior Level 6 International all star team my senior year. I guess what I’m trying to say here is just take those little remarks you hear people say about you and just tuck them away and prove them wrong silently.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
I loved being able to be pat and cassies intern and learning a little bit more about what goes on behind the scenes.
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
Don’t be scared of seniors. We are probably the coolest kids at the high school and we just want to make everyone welcome. :)
Instagram: savanajae
Rachel Keeler
Makenzie Cherry
Maria Jeffirs
““he future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Elenor Roosevelt”
My Story:
As I begin this next chapter of my life, there are many footprints I want to leave on this world. I want to be remembered as the person who always had a smile on her face and worked hard to help others as much as possible. My entire life I have strived to be the dependable, loyal, and empathetic friend, daughter, and sister that my loved ones deserve and could always count on. Throughout my high school years, I was heavily involved in theatre. Being on stage is my passion, and I love that I am able to share my passion with hundreds of people. Being able to portray so many characters and create a whole new world for the audience is amazing. I have been able to play numerous and very unique roles throughout all my performances. From playing an Oompa Loompa in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”; to a nearly-deaf old woman in the murder mystery, “But Why Bump Off Barnaby?”; and to the legendary scientist Marie Curie in “Radium Girls”. These are some of the roles that defined my high school career, and I hope to continue making memories in the future for both me and my audience of life. As I move forward with my life, I will continue to work hard in every aspect of my life, especially on trying to be a better person and helping others every single day. The best way I can fulfill that ambition is by becoming a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. I’ve known my whole life that I’ve wanted to work with kids, and make a difference in their lives. After years and years of wondering what I want to do with my life, I finally found the perfect profession. I cannot wait to help children and families. I finally know what my path holds, and I am so excited to share these experiences with everyone.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
My favorite part about working with Pat and Cassie is that they can make anyone feel beautiful and empowered. When my mom and I first saw my senior photos, I couldn’t believe how they were able to capture so many different aspects of myself. Working with Pat and Cassie, I was able to go to Chicago and see the amazing places I’ve never really explored before. Also, taking pictures at Crown Point High School Auditorium was a phenomenal experience. Theatre had been my passion for years, and they were able to beautifully capture me doing what I love. In addition to my senior pictures, they were able to take pictures on some of the most exciting times in high school (Prom and Turnabout), and they made me feel beautiful while doing it. I’m so thankful that I was given the opportunity to work with and be an ambassador for Pat and Cassie.
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
I would advise the underclassmen to constantly try new things. Throughout high school, I was in involved in several clubs and activities and it was extremely beneficial. I was able to discover my love for so many things. Keep trying new things! It’ll make you realize what your passions are and never fail to make you smile!
Instagram: maria.jeffirs
Bella Biesen
“This too, shall pass. When things are bad remember: It won’t always be this way. Take one day at a time.”
My Story:
What makes me unique is I love to be an outlet for people to come and talk to and be there for people who have no one. All my life I’ve felt drawn to others who feel as if they have no one and be that person that they need so they know that they’re not alone and there are others out there like them that feel hopeless at times and to be that inspiration that life is what you make it, and you’re never alone in this world no matter how lonely it gets at times.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
I loved meeting so many beautiful and sweet girls!
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
Spend less time trying to please others and focus on being happy with yourself.
Instagram: bella_biesen
Morgan Sianta
“Be the reason someone smiles today.”
My Story:
My name is Morgan Sianta and my life is like a movie. I was raised in Batavia, Illinois by my parents Jim Sianta and Jennifer McQuen. I have a dream to make a difference in the world. I am a big environmentalist and I believe with the help of everyone we can change the world. I have been working so hard in the greenhouse at my school to turn it into a safe place for special needs students and students with anxiety. We have completely remodeled the whole greenhouse from a storage unit with a few plants to a full functioning greenhouse. The vegetables and fruits that grow in the greenhouse are being used to donate to food pantries. We have also had the special needs kids come in and put their handprints on the structures to show they are truly loved in our community and they are not overlooked. There has been so much research on planting therapy, and has so many benefits. This year has changed who I am as a person and helped me discover who I really am.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
I loved meeting new people and building up self confidence.
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
Never let anyone tell you you’re not good enough.
Instagram: Morgan.sianta
Alyssa Del Real
“No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.
-Maya Angelou”
My Story:
The story that most defines me starts during my freshman year, when I decided that when I grow up, I want to be a commercial airline pilot. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was making the decision to enter an industry that is run predominantly by men, given that only 9% of pilots in the U.S. are women. Statistics like this alone are enough to scare some away and cause them to give up on their goals and dreams, but I am not one to back down without a fight. Last summer, I began taking flying lessons and am currently in the process of earning my Private Pilot's License, the first of many that I'll need to make it into the airline business. Despite the vast amount of knowledge that I have learned in these past months, I often get asked the question, “Why not just be a flight attendant?” It is easy to assume that I am asked this question simply because I am a girl, and being a pilot is typically a “man’s job”. I’ve realized that mindless comments like this stop so many girls from doing what they really want to do in life, because they are too afraid of being judged to make the jump to pursue a career in something that is stereotypically a job for men. I’ve come to the realization that by reaching my own goals, I can inspire other girls around me to chase after their dreams and do the unthinkable, no matter what the statistics or stereotypes say. We are living in an age of empowering women, and I want my story to do just that.
Instagram: lyssadelreal
Ariel Killion
“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34”
My Story:
Who am I? Besides a girl who barely knows how to swim, yet with the name of a mermaid, I’m a lover of the littlest things. The concept of a chain reaction of doing kind things is what excites me about life and gets me up in the morning. Paying for the person behind you at Starbucks is one of the best ways to start a chain reaction of kindness. The happiness it brings them will drive them to do good for others. It’s one little thing you can do to help make the world a happier and more positive place. In addition to small acts of kindness - puppies, naps, the ocean, waking up with the sun shining on my face, sunrises, and sunsets are all things that make my heart smile and my heart beat a little bit stronger.
I've come to find myself as a very carefree person. Sometimes I say it's because of my zodiac sign, but other times I realize it's from life experiences. Through life, we all come to the realization that we won't be liked by everyone - and that's okay. We need to remind ourselves that we won't like everyone we meet either. Whether it’s girls at school sending your posts to their group chat - just to talk about you or getting a mean look from someone in the hallway - just because you look happy, I’ve grown to realize that it doesn’t matter what other people think about me. As for them, they shouldn’t care what I think of them either. For whatever reason it is that they don't like you, as long as you're doing your best to be the best version of yourself, it's not something for you to worry about.
It’s easy for people to assume happiness and therefore assume a positive situation for their peers, but what we see on the outside isn’t always what’s going on behind what we see. Like an avocado, it looks nice and ripe on the outside, but sometimes when you cut it open, it is not as fresh as it looked from the outside. For this reason, I’ve always been someone who finds it important to treat everyone with kindness. When you know what it’s like to have people assume your life is perfect when it isn’t, it opens your eyes and teaches you that kindness is so important. In most cases, you won't know what the kindness you show someone will do for them, but it's guaranteed a positive effect. Not to mention that being nice is completely free, it’s something that makes you feel good and someone else as well.
I remind myself to take life day by day and enjoy the little things I love. I remind myself to be the best version of myself and do my best to spread kindness, positivity, and release good vibes into the universe. No such thing as a bad life, not even a bad day, only bad moments that can be reversed with finding the good within the bad. It seems so hard to change the world but domino effects are the best way to start.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
They're both super funny and fun to be around. They make everyone feel super comfortable and are sure to make sure it's always a good time. They make you feel beautiful and confident without even knowing it.
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
My advice to underclassmen is definitely to just be yourself. No matter if what you like is completely different from what other people like, its important to express your true self and your honest interests. The people who like you for you are the ones you want to keep close. Anyone who tries to change you or make you feel like who you are or what you like isn't right, are the people who you want to avoid. There's nothing more important in life than being you and being honest with yourself and others. If they don't like it, they don't matter. Just be you.
Instagram: ariel.killion
Ava Dzurovcik
My Story:
My name is Ava Dzurovcik and I will soon be graduated from Crown Point High School. I will be attending the University of Louisville in the fall and I plan to be a member of the Ladybirds Dance Team if all goes well. These past four years have been absolutely crazy. Now that they are almost over, I sometimes wish that they weren’t. Many things have happened in this period of time that have really shaped me into who I am.
When I was about nine years old, my mother got into a huge car accident causing her to have many surgeries and leaving some parts of her body numb to this day. As a result of this, she could no longer work as a flight attendant which is what she loved! She knew she wanted to do something with her life that benefited our whole family. Later, in 2017, we started a whole new chapter of our lives and we opened a dance studio. Pretty crazy, I know. My mom knows how much I love to dance and she wanted to make a place that felt like home for me to dance all the time. My mom and stepdad are completely involved as my stepdad teaches and my mom runs all business aspects. I first started teaching at the studio when I was 15 without a clue of what I should be doing. I ended up shadowing teachers and becoming way more knowledgeable about dance technique and the correct ways to teach.
Fast forward to now, I teach about nine classes a week, along with choreographing 11 competition routines for our team. These past three years I have become a role model for all of the young kids I teach. I have grown to love these kids with all my heart and I feel almost like a big sister because of how close we all are. I love to teach and to choreograph and I am so thankful for my parents for creating this business and this space for me to do it. Although I am very young to be doing this, I work hard and it shows. My competition routines have placed first overall at many regional and national competitions over the past 2 years. It’s seriously the best feeling when you work so hard for something and it actually pays off. This is my passion and I hope to continue it as I get older and wiser in the dance world. Even when times are kind of tough or I’m at a roadblock, my Dad instills my faith and reminds me that God always has a plan for me. Dance is a huge part of who I am and I am so grateful that I get to share it with the people I love most everyday. I hope to make an impact by showing that you can accomplish many things you put your mind to, no matter how old or young you are. If you want it, you can really do it.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
My favorite part about working with Pat & Cassie is always getting ready for dances. It is the best place to start your dance days by getting your hair and makeup done (which always looks amazing) and then taking such fun pictures. It is such an exciting environment seeing all of the girls dresses and how beautiful everyone looks. My last dance my date and I even brought our dogs for pictures!
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
The best advice I can give is to always be happy for others successes, even if you wanted that success to be yours. A lot of times, we compete against our friends for the same thing and sometimes we might not always get the outcome we had hoped for. You can work so hard at something for someone else to get what you wanted. That is okay! Maybe it wasn’t meant for you. Keep trying, but don’t have hard feelings against people who have been rewarded. Your time will always come, and it will be great.
Instagram: avadzurovcik
Olivia Panepinto
“To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail.”
My Story:
I am a strong believer that it is the small moments in life that define a person, which is the reason I make it a daily goal to always remain positive even when life gets tough. Positivity has always been an attribute that I take pride in, whether on the volleyball court or in everyday life. I also believe in taking chances and never letting an opportunity slip by. Even when others believe that something is out of your reach, without believing in yourself, you will never know the outcome. I truly believe that, in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take. In order to succeed, you have to learn to fail. It is how you react to the failure that truly defines you. Personally, I have learned to accept various failures throughout my life, but without those setbacks, I would not be the person that I am today.
One major obstacle that I have overcome is obtaining the "impossible". Throughout my volleyball career, I have always been told that I was not tall enough to play Division 1, let alone in the Big Ten Conference. This only inspired me to train harder and push further in pursuit of my goal. I now play for Indiana University's Volleyball team. The accumulation of these core values ultimately defines the person that I am today and am consistently striving to become.
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
Enjoy the little things and never take any moment for granted!
Instagram: olivia.panepinto
Samantha Quinlan
“Don’t be afraid to be great”
My Story:
Be Okay
Looking back is like taking a ugly glance on who I used to be before my family and I’s life was turned upside down. This diagnosis was one that would change my family dynamic forever in who knows what way. That summer was a good one until June first; then all hell broke loose and left my whole family running around like chickens with their heads cut off. The doctors were talking to my brother and parents when I arrived. I was convinced Jack was just getting blood work done because he was having back issues. Blood cancers and Disorders it said on the wall. “Why is Jack on this floor Aunt Kelly?” “Oh this is just where they take blood for all the patients,” she fired back quickly, walking faster. No one could have prepared me for what happened next. I walked into Jack’s hospital room, seventeenth floor, big windows, the smell of sickness and despair reaking on that floor. My mom was crying and my brother was staring straight; my mom could barely get any words out. It seemed like we had waited minutes for her to finally utter what the doctor had proclaimed. Jack, my big brother, was diagnosed with cancer. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia to be exact. That very moment is the only time in my life I have experienced pure heartbreak. My body felt numb as I dropped to the floor after hearing those words come from my mother’s mouth. Tears flooded my eyes and I took a look at my brother; the look on his face is one I will never forget. He looked as if he was defeated. A single tear fell down his face as I wrapped my arms around him and he cried in my arms. I felt him shake and he whispered in my ear, “I’m gonna be okay, I can do this, I love you”.
At that moment, I felt the ache of possibly losing my brother in the upcoming months and the insane amount of love I felt for him from all the past years. All the little memories from our childhood played over and over in my head as if I was watching a slideshow. I regretted not appreciating him more and not telling him how much he meant to me while we were growing up. But I knew from this moment on, I had to be the best sister I could possibly be. We had always been close, never really fought besides the occasional “Mom, he hit me,” scenario. I knew right then I had to change my attitude and become more responsible. My parents needed to focus on my brother and I needed to be okay on my own at home, while they were in the city with him at the hospital. I was just your average fifteen year old girl, all about boys and going to football games. Then, my life turned into knowing medical terms, going to his surgeries and treatments, learning CPR, so that if I was in charge of watching him at home and something happened, I would be prepared. So much changed in such a small amount of time and there was nothing anyone could do about it. From that moment on, I vowed to be a better person.
This unfortunate event ended up turning out okay, just like Jack said it would. It opened my eyes to the concept of how private life is. You could have known me during that time and had no idea my mind was somewhere else whilst I was in class. That’s why you can’t judge someone, because you have absolutely no idea what is going on at home. Abuse, anxiety, or sickness could be affecting how that person behaves or portrays themselves. Jack struggled with his cancer because it was a very aggressive form. Chemotherapy did not work for him and we all got very worried it was too late for treatment, so the doctors gave my parents two choices. One was a new therapy called Cart T therapy, which has little to no data about it but is known to get cancer patients into remission. Plan number two was to try a different more aggressive form of chemotherapy which would make Jack weaker; the radiation that comes with this type or chemotherapy is very invasive. My parents chose to go with plan number one and start the process of the Cart T therapy. After a long, terrifying, wait with symptoms and fevers, Jack was in remission. He has been for 2 years now. My dreams have shifted from the football games and silly boy crushes, to my big brother becoming an uncle to my kids and a dad to his own when we grow older. I wanted to attend his wedding and watch him fall in love with some country girl.
At one point, I didn’t think I was gonna be lucky enough to see these things. But with this new therapy and the hope and prayers from our support system, Jack is cured from cancer! This event changed me in so many ways. I am more health conscious and my brother and I are closer than we have ever been. I turned from a bratty fifteen year old to a mature fifteen going on twenty-five year old from how much I had endeavored mentally. I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I got through those months by telling myself this: God puts you through things because he knows you can handle them and, in the end, they will teach you a lesson. So if you’re going through anything, or maybe everything, just know you were put in that situation because God knew you could handle it and, in the end, it might make you a better person. If your family member or friend is being affected by cancer or any illness, just know that you’re not alone and you have my prayers.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
the San Diego trip!!
What advice would you give underclassmen?":
Have fun time flies
Instagram: Samanthaquinlanm
Alysa Marlin
Jessica Almarez
My Story:
I pride myself off of being passionate in everything I do. My life is filled with setting new goals whether that be in school, dance, or life. I feel the most like myself when I am dancing. There is something so special about doing the thing you love with your best friends. It allowed me to express myself, taught me discipline, and helped me work with others. Dance has been a part of my life for years, and the things I have learned from it will stick with me forever.
Another very important thing to me is my relationships to others and my impact on the world. I may seem shy or reserved to some, but people that really know me know I am unique and myself. I thrive off of making the people I love smile and laugh. One of the best things that happened to me in high school was being in a class called peer mentoring. In this class, I got to work alongside students with disabilities, and I have watched them grow throughout the years. This class taught me more than any other high school class could have taught me, and it is so sad that the last time I would see them was a random Friday in March. Whether it was late nights doing homework, early mornings at the dance studio, or weekends with my friends and family, it was all worth it. ( I just wish it lasted a liitttle longer)
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
I love how everyone made me feel so comfortable and confident. Also, there is something so exciting about seeing your pictures for the first time.
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
Give whatever you choose to do your all, and don't take anything for granted.
Instagram: jessicalmaraz
Tayler Gomez
“Change your thoughts and change your world -Norman Vincent Peale”
My Story:
There are many factors that go into writing the pages of my story. These pages define me and my destiny in the world. I am a senior at Crown Point High School. I have been cheering there for the past four years on the varsity team. I am held to the standard of being the stereotype of a “cheerleader” and many of the aspects I find myself falling into. I am very outgoing and humble. I have been an athlete my whole life and it started with gymnastics at a young age which led to dance and finally cheerleading. There have been many hardships with the sports I have played but they have shaped me into the person I am today. Being an athlete you have to juggle many things from keeping up with school, to endless hours of practice, and having a social life. These things have made me the strongest version of myself. During my past four years of high school I have found to love myself for who I am. I have grown to be comfortable with my looks, image, and size. These three things nowadays are defining women and I think the strongest characteristic of myself is the ability to be comfortable with these things.
From a young age my mom has always taught me to follow certain values and morals whether that is treating people the way you want to be treated or the importance of kindness. These morals I have always lived by but, the most important one she has taught me is that honesty can get a person real far in life. I have always respected honesty in all of my friendships and other relationships. It shows the true strength of an individual and that they can accept their wrongdoings. Being honest with myself is the most important of all. I am very passionate about many things, one thing, in particular, is confidence.
Something that I have struggled with over my life is always being “too tall.” Throughout middle school and high school I have always been very tall especially for a girl. This caused my self-esteem to decline. Over the past few years, I have learned that being tall is not a bad thing. Being able to hold myself in a way that my height is glorified is the best type of confidence to have. Beyond all the pictures I take I am an ordinary teenage girl. I spend my weekdays doing school work and my weekends hanging out with my friends. I enjoy a movie night with the girls or just staying in and playing games with the family. The amount of love I have for the people who are most important to me goes above and beyond. I cherish every moment I have with them.
One day I see myself having a family of my own and I hope to impact their world just as much as my family has impacted mine. Overall, my life is very ordinary but, throughout my eighteen years of living I have learned that my impact on this world is only important if it is what I strive to make it. Hi I’m Tayler Gomez and this is my story.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
My favorite part about working with Pat and Cassie is that they truly take the time out to understand you. They put the girls/boys that they are shooting first and make sure that they are comfortable and enjoying their sessions. They both have a great sense of humor and I know I will always leave a session with a smile on my face. They have truly shown me a side of myself that I never saw in the past.
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
This year has shown and taught me many things. One piece of advice I could give is to never take anything for granted. Spend that extra second to say “hello” to the people you see. Tell the ones who matter in your life you love them, give them that hug, because you don't know when it will be the last time seeing them. Lastly, be the type of person who is happy for others even when things don’t go right for you.
Instagram: tayler_gomez