Emily Gris



My Story:

As many of us do we get comfortable in the life that we are living. Sophomore year that changed for me as I had to move schools due to challenges with my old one. Although it had its fair share of difficulties it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I was able to get out of my bubble and meet so many new people. Now I am a senior who is about to graduate and move on to bigger things! I am going to Bethel University in Indiana to double major in mathematics and economics. I would not be able to do this without all the challenges I have faced in my life. During a very difficult time I was able to have a photo shoot with Pat and Cassie and they were able to make me laugh, feel beautiful, and love who I am.

Favorite part of working with Pat+Cassie:

They were so kind and funny and wanted me to have fun and to feel beautiful

Instagram: emgirl_

Savana Asche



you can do all things through christ who strengthens you -philippians 4:13


My Story:

I am Savana Asche, and I am determined. Since a going age I had always been told “You can’t do that”, “Shes not going to make it” and “She won’t make it far”. These are the things that have made me to who I am today. It doesn’t matter what these people were talking about, all that matter was that I would be able to prove them wrong. It started out with sports. I became a gymnast and I slowly became one of the best at my age level. I would consistently bring home 1st place trophies, and State Champion medals. Then I would become a track runner and then eventually become one of the top runners at my school. And finally, cheerleading. I was told by someone who inspired me as a kid that I wouldn’t make it, and that I wasn’t good enough. This made me work the hardest I have ever worked. I put in countless hours at the gym, and when I would come home I would train on my own trampoline again. And now I can proudly say that I was on CPHS Varsity Cheer from freshman to junior year, and a Senior Level 6 International all star team my senior year. I guess what I’m trying to say here is just take those little remarks you hear people say about you and just tuck them away and prove them wrong silently.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

I loved being able to be pat and cassies intern and learning a little bit more about what goes on behind the scenes.

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

Don’t be scared of seniors. We are probably the coolest kids at the high school and we just want to make everyone welcome. :)

Instagram: savanajae

Maria Jeffirs


“he future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Elenor Roosevelt


My Story:

As I begin this next chapter of my life, there are many footprints I want to leave on this world. I want to be remembered as the person who always had a smile on her face and worked hard to help others as much as possible. My entire life I have strived to be the dependable, loyal, and empathetic friend, daughter, and sister that my loved ones deserve and could always count on. Throughout my high school years, I was heavily involved in theatre. Being on stage is my passion, and I love that I am able to share my passion with hundreds of people. Being able to portray so many characters and create a whole new world for the audience is amazing. I have been able to play numerous and very unique roles throughout all my performances. From playing an Oompa Loompa in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”; to a nearly-deaf old woman in the murder mystery, “But Why Bump Off Barnaby?”; and to the legendary scientist Marie Curie in “Radium Girls”. These are some of the roles that defined my high school career, and I hope to continue making memories in the future for both me and my audience of life. As I move forward with my life, I will continue to work hard in every aspect of my life, especially on trying to be a better person and helping others every single day. The best way I can fulfill that ambition is by becoming a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. I’ve known my whole life that I’ve wanted to work with kids, and make a difference in their lives. After years and years of wondering what I want to do with my life, I finally found the perfect profession. I cannot wait to help children and families. I finally know what my path holds, and I am so excited to share these experiences with everyone.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

My favorite part about working with Pat and Cassie is that they can make anyone feel beautiful and empowered. When my mom and I first saw my senior photos, I couldn’t believe how they were able to capture so many different aspects of myself. Working with Pat and Cassie, I was able to go to Chicago and see the amazing places I’ve never really explored before. Also, taking pictures at Crown Point High School Auditorium was a phenomenal experience. Theatre had been my passion for years, and they were able to beautifully capture me doing what I love. In addition to my senior pictures, they were able to take pictures on some of the most exciting times in high school (Prom and Turnabout), and they made me feel beautiful while doing it. I’m so thankful that I was given the opportunity to work with and be an ambassador for Pat and Cassie.

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

I would advise the underclassmen to constantly try new things. Throughout high school, I was in involved in several clubs and activities and it was extremely beneficial. I was able to discover my love for so many things. Keep trying new things! It’ll make you realize what your passions are and never fail to make you smile!

Instagram: maria.jeffirs

Jane Georgas




My Story:

There are so many things in life and about myself that I’m not sure about yet, but one thing I know for sure about myself is that I love to help others. No matter if that’s helping my teammates at dance, tutoring during resource period at school, or setting up a donor drive to help cancer patients. Helping others has always been something I have had a true passion for. I plan to carrying this passion with me wherever life may take me, and even into my future career. I am a strong believer that it’s not about what life throws at you, but rather how you react it. I try to find the good in everything, and find peace with the things I cannot control. One thing I am proud of about myself is how hard of a worker I am. Throughout high school I worked hard to maintain above a 4.3 gpa, and ended up graduating (hopefully we have a graduation) at the top of my class. While doing this I also worked hard in student council and dance, where I was recently awarded MVP of my team.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

How nice and open minded they both are! They never judge a client and treat everyone with respect, all while creating a fun and cool environment!

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

Live every moment to the fullest, and spend time with the people you care about!

Instagram: Jane.georgas

Bella Biesen


This too, shall pass. When things are bad remember: It won’t always be this way. Take one day at a time.


My Story:

What makes me unique is I love to be an outlet for people to come and talk to and be there for people who have no one. All my life I’ve felt drawn to others who feel as if they have no one and be that person that they need so they know that they’re not alone and there are others out there like them that feel hopeless at times and to be that inspiration that life is what you make it, and you’re never alone in this world no matter how lonely it gets at times.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

I loved meeting so many beautiful and sweet girls!

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

Spend less time trying to please others and focus on being happy with yourself.

Instagram: bella_biesen

Meg Ciokajo


Every true strength is gained through struggle.


My Story:

Ever since I was a little girl my mom has taught me some of the most important lessons that continue to challenge me, strengthen me, and teach me today.  I have been taught that everyone has good in them and sometimes it’s hard to find it but it’s there, you sometimes just need to keep looking.   Everyone is unique in their own way and the greatest gift you can give to someone is to accept them for who they are.  I have friends that see the world differently than me but they are the ones who offer me insight that I would otherwise never have considered.  Life is going to give me many surprises, these might be the ones I welcome with open arms and ones I wish never occurred. But those are the ones that will build my character and make me stronger. I’ve learned to believe in myself because that will be the reason I will achieve some of the greatest things life has to offer. When my journey on Earth ends, I don’t want to say I have any regrets.  I may have disappointments and things I wish I could change but ultimately I will know that those disappointments helped shape me into a strong woman that I can be proud of.  I want to be able to look back at the beautiful mark I left, knowing I made the world a little better for myself and for others.

Instagram: meg_ciokajlo

Morgan Sianta


Be the reason someone smiles today.


My Story:

My name is Morgan Sianta and my life is like a movie. I was raised in Batavia, Illinois by my parents Jim Sianta and Jennifer McQuen. I have a dream to make a difference in the world. I am a big environmentalist and I believe with the help of everyone we can change the world. I have been working so hard in the greenhouse at my school to turn it into a safe place for special needs students and students with anxiety. We have completely remodeled the whole greenhouse from a storage unit with a few plants to a full functioning greenhouse. The vegetables and fruits that grow in the greenhouse are being used to donate to food pantries. We have also had the special needs kids come in and put their handprints on the structures to show they are truly loved in our community and they are not overlooked. There has been so much research on planting therapy, and has so many benefits. This year has changed who I am as a person and helped me discover who I really am.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

I loved meeting new people and building up self confidence.

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

Never let anyone tell you you’re not good enough.

Instagram: Morgan.sianta

Alyssa Del Real


No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.
-Maya Angelou

My Story:

The story that most defines me starts during my freshman year, when I decided that when I grow up, I want to be a commercial airline pilot. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was making the decision to enter an industry that is run predominantly by men, given that only 9% of pilots in the U.S. are women. Statistics like this alone are enough to scare some away and cause them to give up on their goals and dreams, but I am not one to back down without a fight. Last summer, I began taking flying lessons and am currently in the process of earning my Private Pilot's License, the first of many that I'll need to make it into the airline business. Despite the vast amount of knowledge that I have learned in these past months, I often get asked the question, “Why not just be a flight attendant?” It is easy to assume that I am asked this question simply because I am a girl, and being a pilot is typically a “man’s job”. I’ve realized that mindless comments like this stop so many girls from doing what they really want to do in life, because they are too afraid of being judged to make the jump to pursue a career in something that is stereotypically a job for men. I’ve come to the realization that by reaching my own goals, I can inspire other girls around me to chase after their dreams and do the unthinkable, no matter what the statistics or stereotypes say. We are living in an age of empowering women, and I want my story to do just that.

Instagram: lyssadelreal

Angela Reinert


The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. — Dolly Parton


My Story:

My mom told me that when I was young, after watching Little Einsteins on TV, I would run upstairs to the piano and stay there until I taught myself how to play the featured song of the episode. Music has always been a driving force in my life. I love music because it moves me emotionally. I get so involved in the music that sometimes the climax of a song moves me to tears. I play the Flute and I’ve been involved in band at my school for seven years and was Drum Major of the marching band my senior year.

In the middle of my sophomore year, I started to notice that it was becoming difficult to play my Flute. My doctor noticed a lump on my neck that I hadn’t noticed before. I was immediately sent for tests, to specialists, and eventually down to Riley’s Children’s Hospital to their thyroid specialist. I had a tumor growing on my right thyroid and that it had been growing for a while. I was devastated. This explained why I had trouble taking deep breaths and the quality of my sound, on the flute, got worse and worse. After a biopsy we found that the tumor was non cancerous but still needed to be removed. I was told that the surgery could possibly damage my vocal chords and potentially make it impossible for me to play my instrument again. At this point in my life I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in music and I wouldn’t be able to do that if I couldn’t play my instrument. I had the surgery at the end of June in 2018 and thankfully it went perfectly. There were no side effects or injuries and I was able to play again within a week of the surgery. I now have a scar across the base of my neck, and after a while of trying to lessen the prominence of my scar, I decided to let it be seen as a reminder to myself that nothing in life is guaranteed, so savor every moment and live life to the fullest. I decided that I want to pursue Music Education because I want to inspire kids, through teaching, to love music just as much as I do.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

I’ve known them for half of my life, they make me laugh, and I wouldn’t want it any other way


What advice you would give underclassmen?:

Don’t take anything for granted, you never know when life will throw you a curveball. Adjust your perspective and focus on the positives rather than the negatives in tough situations.

Instagram: angela._reinert

Annabel Blake


I survive because the fire inside me burns brighter than the fire around me.

My Story:

My name is Annabel and I am eighteen. I never thought I'd be able to say that. Life can be a rollercoaster ride and there will always be hard times, but focusing on the good times will always help you push through the bad. My high school career has been a life-altering experience. If you asked me two years ago I'd say for the worst, but now I love my life. I suffer from depression, traumas, and anxiety, but that doesn't define me as a person. A lot of people struggle every day with mental illnesses and traumas and I wanted to take this opportunity to share my story; to give people like me the courage to keep going. Most people don't realize how strong they are until being strong is their only option. It's completely okay to accept your emotions, but you have to be careful not to dwell on the negatives. This is easier said than done, but if you can do it you'll find you start to live every day to the fullest. Although I've been through extremely difficult times, I know they made me who I am today. I am stronger because of what I have endured. Due to my experiences, I see myself in a new light. I know I am resilient and cannot be stopped when I put my mind to something. I have a new confidence and a new outlook on life. You can't let your baggage define you, but you can use it as motivation to strive to become a better person. Accept your flaws and embrace your quirks.

Of course, I wouldn't have been able to get through any of what I have without my family. My dad is my role model. He suffers from depression and anxiety like me and he helps me every day to not let it get the best of me. My mom is absolutely amazing. Even when we fight, she's always got my back. My parents have been so understanding and they do everything they can to give me the best life possible, and without them I wouldn't be half the person I am today. My family is my backbone, my support system, and my everything. My crazy cute little sister is the light of my life. She keeps me smiling and laughing every day. I don't know what I'd do without my brothers either. They are supportive and overprotective just like big brothers should be. Everything I am I owe to my incredible family, even though sometimes they drive me crazy I love them so much. 

Overall, my atypical high school journey has truly helped me realize who I am. The ups and downs have all had an impact on me in an indescribable way. I've learned that life will never be easy or all happy or perfect. Rather, life will be a constant balance between good and bad experiences. Thanks to my years in high school I now know, that you just have to push through the negatives and find a way to focus on the bright side. If you embrace the beautifully simple things like the contagious laugh of an innocent newborn baby, the elegance of the sun setting over the fields, or the impact of a heartfelt smile to a stranger on the street; then life is good. My life may have been better off without what I went through, but I honestly wouldn't change a thing because I love the person I have become. I love the independent, goofy, and courageous person I am today.

Instagram: annabelblake23