Jane Georgas




My Story:

There are so many things in life and about myself that I’m not sure about yet, but one thing I know for sure about myself is that I love to help others. No matter if that’s helping my teammates at dance, tutoring during resource period at school, or setting up a donor drive to help cancer patients. Helping others has always been something I have had a true passion for. I plan to carrying this passion with me wherever life may take me, and even into my future career. I am a strong believer that it’s not about what life throws at you, but rather how you react it. I try to find the good in everything, and find peace with the things I cannot control. One thing I am proud of about myself is how hard of a worker I am. Throughout high school I worked hard to maintain above a 4.3 gpa, and ended up graduating (hopefully we have a graduation) at the top of my class. While doing this I also worked hard in student council and dance, where I was recently awarded MVP of my team.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

How nice and open minded they both are! They never judge a client and treat everyone with respect, all while creating a fun and cool environment!

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

Live every moment to the fullest, and spend time with the people you care about!

Instagram: Jane.georgas