“Every true strength is gained through struggle.”
My Story:
Ever since I was a little girl my mom has taught me some of the most important lessons that continue to challenge me, strengthen me, and teach me today. I have been taught that everyone has good in them and sometimes it’s hard to find it but it’s there, you sometimes just need to keep looking. Everyone is unique in their own way and the greatest gift you can give to someone is to accept them for who they are. I have friends that see the world differently than me but they are the ones who offer me insight that I would otherwise never have considered. Life is going to give me many surprises, these might be the ones I welcome with open arms and ones I wish never occurred. But those are the ones that will build my character and make me stronger. I’ve learned to believe in myself because that will be the reason I will achieve some of the greatest things life has to offer. When my journey on Earth ends, I don’t want to say I have any regrets. I may have disappointments and things I wish I could change but ultimately I will know that those disappointments helped shape me into a strong woman that I can be proud of. I want to be able to look back at the beautiful mark I left, knowing I made the world a little better for myself and for others.
Instagram: meg_ciokajlo