“Be the reason someone smiles today.”
My Story:
My name is Morgan Sianta and my life is like a movie. I was raised in Batavia, Illinois by my parents Jim Sianta and Jennifer McQuen. I have a dream to make a difference in the world. I am a big environmentalist and I believe with the help of everyone we can change the world. I have been working so hard in the greenhouse at my school to turn it into a safe place for special needs students and students with anxiety. We have completely remodeled the whole greenhouse from a storage unit with a few plants to a full functioning greenhouse. The vegetables and fruits that grow in the greenhouse are being used to donate to food pantries. We have also had the special needs kids come in and put their handprints on the structures to show they are truly loved in our community and they are not overlooked. There has been so much research on planting therapy, and has so many benefits. This year has changed who I am as a person and helped me discover who I really am.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
I loved meeting new people and building up self confidence.
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
Never let anyone tell you you’re not good enough.
Instagram: Morgan.sianta