
Annabel Blake


I survive because the fire inside me burns brighter than the fire around me.

My Story:

My name is Annabel and I am eighteen. I never thought I'd be able to say that. Life can be a rollercoaster ride and there will always be hard times, but focusing on the good times will always help you push through the bad. My high school career has been a life-altering experience. If you asked me two years ago I'd say for the worst, but now I love my life. I suffer from depression, traumas, and anxiety, but that doesn't define me as a person. A lot of people struggle every day with mental illnesses and traumas and I wanted to take this opportunity to share my story; to give people like me the courage to keep going. Most people don't realize how strong they are until being strong is their only option. It's completely okay to accept your emotions, but you have to be careful not to dwell on the negatives. This is easier said than done, but if you can do it you'll find you start to live every day to the fullest. Although I've been through extremely difficult times, I know they made me who I am today. I am stronger because of what I have endured. Due to my experiences, I see myself in a new light. I know I am resilient and cannot be stopped when I put my mind to something. I have a new confidence and a new outlook on life. You can't let your baggage define you, but you can use it as motivation to strive to become a better person. Accept your flaws and embrace your quirks.

Of course, I wouldn't have been able to get through any of what I have without my family. My dad is my role model. He suffers from depression and anxiety like me and he helps me every day to not let it get the best of me. My mom is absolutely amazing. Even when we fight, she's always got my back. My parents have been so understanding and they do everything they can to give me the best life possible, and without them I wouldn't be half the person I am today. My family is my backbone, my support system, and my everything. My crazy cute little sister is the light of my life. She keeps me smiling and laughing every day. I don't know what I'd do without my brothers either. They are supportive and overprotective just like big brothers should be. Everything I am I owe to my incredible family, even though sometimes they drive me crazy I love them so much. 

Overall, my atypical high school journey has truly helped me realize who I am. The ups and downs have all had an impact on me in an indescribable way. I've learned that life will never be easy or all happy or perfect. Rather, life will be a constant balance between good and bad experiences. Thanks to my years in high school I now know, that you just have to push through the negatives and find a way to focus on the bright side. If you embrace the beautifully simple things like the contagious laugh of an innocent newborn baby, the elegance of the sun setting over the fields, or the impact of a heartfelt smile to a stranger on the street; then life is good. My life may have been better off without what I went through, but I honestly wouldn't change a thing because I love the person I have become. I love the independent, goofy, and courageous person I am today.

Instagram: annabelblake23