“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34”
My Story:
Who am I? Besides a girl who barely knows how to swim, yet with the name of a mermaid, I’m a lover of the littlest things. The concept of a chain reaction of doing kind things is what excites me about life and gets me up in the morning. Paying for the person behind you at Starbucks is one of the best ways to start a chain reaction of kindness. The happiness it brings them will drive them to do good for others. It’s one little thing you can do to help make the world a happier and more positive place. In addition to small acts of kindness - puppies, naps, the ocean, waking up with the sun shining on my face, sunrises, and sunsets are all things that make my heart smile and my heart beat a little bit stronger.
I've come to find myself as a very carefree person. Sometimes I say it's because of my zodiac sign, but other times I realize it's from life experiences. Through life, we all come to the realization that we won't be liked by everyone - and that's okay. We need to remind ourselves that we won't like everyone we meet either. Whether it’s girls at school sending your posts to their group chat - just to talk about you or getting a mean look from someone in the hallway - just because you look happy, I’ve grown to realize that it doesn’t matter what other people think about me. As for them, they shouldn’t care what I think of them either. For whatever reason it is that they don't like you, as long as you're doing your best to be the best version of yourself, it's not something for you to worry about.
It’s easy for people to assume happiness and therefore assume a positive situation for their peers, but what we see on the outside isn’t always what’s going on behind what we see. Like an avocado, it looks nice and ripe on the outside, but sometimes when you cut it open, it is not as fresh as it looked from the outside. For this reason, I’ve always been someone who finds it important to treat everyone with kindness. When you know what it’s like to have people assume your life is perfect when it isn’t, it opens your eyes and teaches you that kindness is so important. In most cases, you won't know what the kindness you show someone will do for them, but it's guaranteed a positive effect. Not to mention that being nice is completely free, it’s something that makes you feel good and someone else as well.
I remind myself to take life day by day and enjoy the little things I love. I remind myself to be the best version of myself and do my best to spread kindness, positivity, and release good vibes into the universe. No such thing as a bad life, not even a bad day, only bad moments that can be reversed with finding the good within the bad. It seems so hard to change the world but domino effects are the best way to start.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
They're both super funny and fun to be around. They make everyone feel super comfortable and are sure to make sure it's always a good time. They make you feel beautiful and confident without even knowing it.
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
My advice to underclassmen is definitely to just be yourself. No matter if what you like is completely different from what other people like, its important to express your true self and your honest interests. The people who like you for you are the ones you want to keep close. Anyone who tries to change you or make you feel like who you are or what you like isn't right, are the people who you want to avoid. There's nothing more important in life than being you and being honest with yourself and others. If they don't like it, they don't matter. Just be you.
Instagram: ariel.killion