Jessica Almarez



My Story:

I pride myself off of being passionate in everything I do. My life is filled with setting new goals whether that be in school, dance, or life. I feel the most like myself when I am dancing. There is something so special about doing the thing you love with your best friends. It allowed me to express myself, taught me discipline, and helped me work with others. Dance has been a part of my life for years, and the things I have learned from it will stick with me forever.  

Another very important thing to me is my relationships to others and my impact on the world. I may seem shy or reserved to some, but people that really know me know I am unique and myself. I thrive off of making the people I love smile and laugh. One of the best things that happened to me in high school was being in a class called peer mentoring. In this class, I got to work alongside students with disabilities, and I have watched them grow throughout the years. This class taught me more than any other high school class could have taught me, and it is so sad that the last time I would see them was a random Friday in March. Whether it was late nights doing homework, early mornings at the dance studio, or weekends with my friends and family, it was all worth it. ( I just wish it lasted a liitttle longer)

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

I love how everyone made me feel so comfortable and confident. Also, there is something so exciting about seeing your pictures for the first time.

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

Give whatever you choose to do your all, and don't take anything for granted.

Instagram: jessicalmaraz