Cedar Lake

Jessica Meier


I’d rather be happy being myself than sad trying to please everyone else - J. Cole


My Story:

Throughout high school I have faced many challenges especially having my senior year cut short was a very hard thing to deal with. These were moments I have been looking forward to my whole life. I am a firm believer of everything happens for a reason and I feel as if these events being cancelled will make me a stronger person in the long run. I feel as I grew from every challenge I have faced. I have become the strong, independent, and kind woman my mother is. I have always strived to be like my mom, she is my role model. I go about my life everyday hoping I can be half the woman she is. I don't rely on others to make decisions for me and I feel as if I am very independent because of that. I have never really belonged in a certain friend group throughout high school, because I am very independent and outgoing I can be friends with everyone. I have learned a lot from being so independent and it has made me so strong. I want people to realize that being yourself is the best thing possible and I have learned that over the years as well. 

I always want the best for everyone in my life and I put others before myself just like both my parents do. I love helping people and making people smile. I want everyone to feel loved. Every single person deserves to smile and have happiness in their lives. I strive to be full of happiness and smiles every single day. I am also very determined and I am a go getter. Whenever I want something important I put my mind to it and try to obtain whatever it is that I want. I am also very determined when it comes to my academics an athletics and I push myself to be the best I can possibly be. When I continue on to college and life after college I will continue to be very determined and I will still continue to put others before myself. In the fall I will be attending Indiana University in Bloomington and I can't wait for the new experiences that wait for me!

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

My favorite part about working with Pat and Cassie is how I could be myself and how confident they made me feel during the shoots.

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

Don't wish time away, enjoy every moment you can because it goes quicker than you think!

Instagram: jessica.meier

Tori Gonzales


Keep going. Because you did not come this far just to come this far.


My Story:

I have gone through many things in my life that I believe make the person I am today. I am very kind and outgoing and love to be positive in all situations. I believe that being positive has taught me may lessons in life and helped me with many situations. I focus a lot on always finding ways to better myself and always keeping a positive mindset. Some of my favorite hobbies are working out, hanging out with my friends, and traveling. i’ve met so many people, I’ve traveled so many places and I have experienced so many great things that I am so very grateful for and I can’t wait to make many more memories and travel to all the places I want to see. I cherish every moment and memory I make and I truly value them. I love to surround myself with positivity and the people I love like my family and friends. Something that I am a strong believer of is “treat people how you want to be treated.” This is something my mom always told me growing up and I truly live by it because not only should you always treat people with kindness if you didn’t want to be treated that a certain way then don’t be that way to other people. I truly love the person I have become today and am thankful for all the lessons I have been taught throughout life and I will carry them with me forever to help myself accomplish all my dreams and aspirations.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

My favorite part about working with Pat and Cassie was how much fun all of the photoshoots were. They truly make you feel special and unique and also have great energy and are super caring and helpful. They’re work is truly amazing and I am always super excited to see the photos they have taken.

Instagram: tori_gonzaless

Rachel Fleszewski


Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.


My Story:

I am someone who loves adventure. Nothing makes me happier than visiting new places, trying new things, and making memories with the people I love! This is why one of my passions is traveling. Another passion of mine is to make the people around me feel happy and loved. I spend most of my free time hanging out with my family or friends and I wouldn’t want it any other way! They are my biggest support system and have pushed me to achieve anything I put my mind to. My goal in life is to be successful, but love what I do. You only have one life, so live it without regrets!

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

My favorite part about working with PAT+CASSIE was getting the chance to meet new people and modeling in unique photoshoots.

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

Never change who you are for someone else! Real friends will stick by your side no matter what and will encourage you to be unapologetically yourself. High school goes by in the blink of an eye, so be sure to make memories that will last a lifetime!

Instagram: rachel_fleszewski

Amanda Schreiber


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.


My Story:

Who am I? As a 18 year old I have never been able to fully answer that question. My life is filled with sports, clubs, friends and Netflix, but through experiences I have learned how to live life to the fullest. As an individual I see myself as an extrovert. I am the type of person that isn’t afraid of what is next and takes every step with excitement. I look for adventures in the sun, and for better tomorrows. I believe that life does not give you challenges that you cannot overcome. I am the type of person to have many dreams and passions. I have a motor that drives me to be the best version of myself.

My life has consisted of many things, but my greatest passion is for the game of basketball. I have had many leadership roles and grown up with role models that taught me so much about life in general. As an individual I would choose to impact the world in a way where no one should be afraid to be themselves, where they believe that diversity is unity. I believe that acceptance is the key to new beginnings, when you see a world with love and not hate you see life as it should be. So, if I were to say who I was, I would answer that I am a girl with dreams, and a girl that’s not afraid to live her life as if there is no tomorrow, and strive for something greater that lies ahead.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

My favorite part about working with Pat and Cassie was the experiences. I was able to be apart of shoots that were unique and so fun to be a part of. I experienced self love, and feeling like I was able to express myself in a picture and get support from them. I was able to appreciate the beauty that pat and cassie was able to capture in a photo. All those experiences led to my view on Pat and Cassie that I will never take for granted.

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

Be your true self. Always know your worth. Don't worry if you feel different from others, show it off, be extravagant, there is no better way to live than just accepting yourself. There is much more to you than what others see on the surface. Don’t get so caught up in the difficulties of the moment since they are only temporary. Don’t dwell on the past. Lastly, everything happens for a reason. There is no right or wrong in life, just experiences and lessons that make you a better person everyday. Stop and smell the flowers, enjoy life and most of all, just have fun!

Instagram: amandaalouuu