“I’d rather be happy being myself than sad trying to please everyone else - J. Cole”
My Story:
Throughout high school I have faced many challenges especially having my senior year cut short was a very hard thing to deal with. These were moments I have been looking forward to my whole life. I am a firm believer of everything happens for a reason and I feel as if these events being cancelled will make me a stronger person in the long run. I feel as I grew from every challenge I have faced. I have become the strong, independent, and kind woman my mother is. I have always strived to be like my mom, she is my role model. I go about my life everyday hoping I can be half the woman she is. I don't rely on others to make decisions for me and I feel as if I am very independent because of that. I have never really belonged in a certain friend group throughout high school, because I am very independent and outgoing I can be friends with everyone. I have learned a lot from being so independent and it has made me so strong. I want people to realize that being yourself is the best thing possible and I have learned that over the years as well.
I always want the best for everyone in my life and I put others before myself just like both my parents do. I love helping people and making people smile. I want everyone to feel loved. Every single person deserves to smile and have happiness in their lives. I strive to be full of happiness and smiles every single day. I am also very determined and I am a go getter. Whenever I want something important I put my mind to it and try to obtain whatever it is that I want. I am also very determined when it comes to my academics an athletics and I push myself to be the best I can possibly be. When I continue on to college and life after college I will continue to be very determined and I will still continue to put others before myself. In the fall I will be attending Indiana University in Bloomington and I can't wait for the new experiences that wait for me!
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
My favorite part about working with Pat and Cassie is how I could be myself and how confident they made me feel during the shoots.
What advice would you give underclassmen?:
Don't wish time away, enjoy every moment you can because it goes quicker than you think!
Instagram: jessica.meier