Rachel Fleszewski


Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.


My Story:

I am someone who loves adventure. Nothing makes me happier than visiting new places, trying new things, and making memories with the people I love! This is why one of my passions is traveling. Another passion of mine is to make the people around me feel happy and loved. I spend most of my free time hanging out with my family or friends and I wouldn’t want it any other way! They are my biggest support system and have pushed me to achieve anything I put my mind to. My goal in life is to be successful, but love what I do. You only have one life, so live it without regrets!

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

My favorite part about working with PAT+CASSIE was getting the chance to meet new people and modeling in unique photoshoots.

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

Never change who you are for someone else! Real friends will stick by your side no matter what and will encourage you to be unapologetically yourself. High school goes by in the blink of an eye, so be sure to make memories that will last a lifetime!

Instagram: rachel_fleszewski