
Riley O'Brien


Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.


My Story:

My name is Riley O’Brien and I am a senior from Wheeler High School. My biggest passion in life has always been soccer. I’ve played since I was in diapers and it has always been my outlet for all my emotions. Soccer has shaped me into the person today by showing me that hard work gets you places and a mistake or a lost game doesn’t define you. After two heartbreaking losses in the state championship game I have learned that no matter how bad it hurts things will always get better with time and you have to keep chasing your dreams and that applies to everything in life. How you react to setbacks in life speaks wonders about who you are and I have leaned to accept my faults and wake up the next day striving to be better then the day before. I want to always be the person that someone can rely on in hard times and remind them of the beauty in the future that’s yet to come. No voice is too little and no kind word is left unnoticed.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

My favorite part was being comfortable with who I am. Getting behind a professional photographer and a camera can be nerve racking but working with pat and Cassie made it feel easy. Instead of trying to look like someone else or pose in a way I would usually not they made me feel comfortable in my own skin and wanted the pictures to reflect who I really was.

What advice would you give underclassmen:

I would say hold on to every moment you can and never take a day for granted. You will never get these years of your life back and do the most to make every second count.

Instagram: rileyobrien.18