Emily Reznik


´Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try just one more time.¨ - Thomas Edison



The summer going into my junior year of high school my grandma had passed away from lung cancer. It was hard. When she got sick none of us really knew what was going to happen, but when we got the diagnosis it was not long before we had to say our goodbyes. I remember that when she was in the hospital she liked very few nurses. Most of the time they got one try to do anything and if they messed up they we no longer aloud to try. She had two nurses that she loved. That was it. When she passed away they both showed up to her funeral. This was huge. This was what made me tell myself that I was going to change the world some how. Ever since she passed away I see life in a different way now. You never know what is going to happen so you have to live you life to the fullest. I now realize that you have to do what makes you happy in life. This year in the fall I will be going to school to become a nurse. This is how I can help so many others and change that world. Now in life I am not afraid to do things and I always have the thought of if today was my last day would I be happy with what I did or said. Make sure you tell your family and friends you love them and always do what makes you happy. Be your biggest cheerleader and always remember when life gets hard don´t give up. You can do it.

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE?:

My favorite part of working with Pat + Cassie would be all the new people that I got to meet, and whenever we are together there is always a smile on my face.

What advice would you give underclassmen?:

If I could give one piece of advice to the underclassmen it would be do not take a second of high school for granted. You never know what will happen in life and those 4 years of high school fly by. Go to that football game, go hang out with friends, and learn new things. High School can be hard but the memories will last a lifetime.

Instagram: _e.m.i.l.y._9