“Be kind to one another” - Ellen Degeneres”
My Story:
Positive | Sentimental | Trustworthy
I wanna make this world a happier place. I am most passionate about making a better life for myself and the people around me. Today we are caught up in so many different things that we forget what is important to us. My priority to be satisfied with whatever I decide to do and that should be everyone else's as well. I wonder why people don't take control of their lives more often because you might be wasting your time on something for the wrong reasons.
I find myself to be someone who looks at the bright side of things and I try my very best to find the good in everything. You can truly learn something from anyone and anything that life throws at you and I believe in using our experiences to better ourselves. This world needs more good in it and I hope as an individual I can help make that happen.
People who give up make me tick. I know that everyone struggles at different things, but I do not believe in starting something just to stop when things get harder. The things that make life harder, are just making you a stronger person. I personally take my difficulties to help me grow and build my future. My point is, no matter what, do not give up because you were meant to go through it and it is always a learning experience so take advantage of that.
Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:
Working with Pat + Cassie has given me so much opportunity. With everything I have done with the company, I have met so many great people. My favorite part about working with them is the chance I have to know all these new girls and work with them on new stuff. I never want to miss events or projects and I am always willing to try something new and I love that I get to be apart of that.
Instagram: @natalie_nelsonn