Sydney Flick


celebrate the small victories along the way” because no matter what life throws at us there is always something good that comes out of the chaos that we can celebrate as we move through life itself.

My Story:

Well I’m Sydney of course!!! I’d describe myself as super outgoing and someone who loves to laugh! Me laughing and smiling constantly makes me who I am. Everyone knows me for just laughing at everything. I truly can never stop smiling, there is no such thing as being serious. My uniqueness is truly such a big part of me. I’m unique in so many ways but the one way that stand still out the most is the way i turn any bad situation into something good. There is never a reason to make a situation ruin your whole mood so i always flip the situation and make the most out of it. My passion is to live my life to the fullest since we truly aren’t promised tomorrow but to spread as much positivity as i can with my time that i am here. Truly i hope that one day i get to impact a ton of people’s lives to the point that their life significantly betters from it. Everyone deserves to have their fullest and best life and I just want everybody to spread sunshine for ever! My biggest lesson to everyone is to never let anything stop you from achieving your dreams! The sky really isn’t the limit, the limit is your vision. Dream big and never stop!

Favorite part of working with PAT+CASSIE:

My favorite part of working with P&C was getting to meet so many amazing girls at shoots, but most importantly I met someone that is now one of my closest best friends ever! Without P&C i probably would’ve never met her, but now i couldn’t imagine my life without her!

Instagram: @_sydneymorgan_